What does a mobile apps mean to museums and their visitors? It is about accommodating visitors' needs, offering tips to engage with the exhibits, and inspiring different layers of interpretation. At its core, the design of museum apps should ask, "how do the institution facilitate visitors' visit?" |  Tate museums has been developing various mobile apps to facilitate visitors' experiences. Most notably, Tate Ball (randomly selects select an artwork from the Tate collection that speaks to users' environment), Tate Trump (that challenges users' art knowledge), and Race Against Time (a game where users are required to collect ‘colour power’ and avoid 'art attacker'. These interesting mobile apps invites museum professionals to imagine how visitors experiences can be shaped? |  The museum’s new Send Me SFMOMA project—which sends works from its 34,678-piece collection to anyone in the world via text message. The project can be considered Send Me as an SMS service that provides an approachable, personal, and creative method of sharing the breadth of SFMOMA’s collection with the public. It was designed to generate personal connections to the museum in a world oversaturated with information. |
 How can collections be used to empower people, be made relevant to different communities and be made more dynamic and responsive to changing expertise and knowledge? The Museums Association (MA) has launched Collections 2030, a major new research project that seeks to understand the current state of museum collections in the UK, and identify how to make the most of museum collections over the course of the next decade. This discussion paper helps to envision the future of museums. |  “One Step Away” is a collaboration where participant storytellers directed development of the exhibition. Personal objects and individual testimonies make up the exhibition, and each is an account of lived experience with homelessness. Visitors are encouraged to play a game called "Perspective," where everyone begins with different resources, abilities, and privileges that inform our life choices. |  2017威尼斯雙年展紐西蘭館,毛利藝術家Lisa Reihana《追尋金星(感染)》(in Pursuit of Venus [infected])揭示殖民歷史的多重衝突,並透過虛構的「歷史圖像」以不同的角度觀看歷史、甚至所處的世界。我們如何跳出非黑即白的論述,回望殖民時代的過去﹖ |
 21世紀的今天,畫家方蘇剛剛參加了大英博物館舉辦的一個曠古絕今展覽,名叫I object,意思是「我反對」。策展人在數以十萬計的館藏中,找出人類自古以來表達異議,亦即是呈現反對聲音的遺痕。結果,選出的各類展品,最早遠至古代埃及,最近包括有香港2014年的雨傘運動。 |  What can other types of museums, such art museums, learn from migration museums about adapting their interpretation of their collections in a way that is relevant to concepts such as global migration and detachment of national identities? |  It’s so important for museums to be a local place intertwined and inseparable from local realities and issues. We are located in our communities, but we’re also a part of those communities. How do we, as museum professionals, define our place, our town, our city, our neighborhood, our community? |